How can being self-aware help you in business?

Self-awareness is when you actively seek to understand your full self,  your values and beliefs, your behaviours, your thoughts, and your emotions.

From a professional standpoint, self-awareness is a skill that many great leaders strive to acquire even though at times it may be uncomfortable to do so.

For those brave enough to work with a Leadership Coach and create the time to increase their self-awareness in their day-to-day activities, the payoff for both your professional and personal success can be vast.


What are the benefits of increasing your self-awareness?

Benefit 1: Create Lasting Habits – Increasing your self-awareness is not a once off thing, you need to create a consistent habit of self-reflection.  Some might call this a practice of mindfulness.   This habit of self-reflection carves out time in your day for you, allowing you to slow down, breathe and just be.   Imagine, time in each working day to slow down and gain deeper insight into the actions and directions of your organisation and the role you’re playing to support this, bliss.  💕

Benefit 2: Reduce Your Stress – Slowing down and being aware has a flow on effect of reducing your stress levels within the working environment, and outside of it as well. 🙌

Benefit 3: Play to Your Strengths – By increasing your self-awareness you identify your leadership strengths and in turn understand how you can utilise them within your organisation.  Playing to your strengths at work creates an enhanced level of enjoyment, while also giving you an opportunity to surround yourself with (or hire) those who compliment your strengths by having their own strengths in your areas for development.   Creating a stronger, well-rounded workforce.

Benefit 4: Uncover Your Blind Spots – On the flip side of the strengths coin is uncovering your development areas.  You don’t know what you can’t see, so by increasing your awareness you start to uncover those hidden development areas, allowing you to then grow your leadership skills and abilities in potential areas you were unaware of.

Benefit 5: Increase Your Emotional Intelligence – Increase your awareness and increase your EQ.   Leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence communicate more effectively, are more adaptable to change and build stronger relationships with those around them as they are empathetic, open to honest conversation and more resilient.

Now what leader wouldn’t want all of those things for themselves and their business!


Change starts from the inside out.

Be vulnerable enough to go on the journey and increase your self-awareness; the rewards will be worth it!



Stop standing still and work towards your goals

I’m Claire – a professional Leadership and Development Coach who helps leaders and business owners increase their self-awareness.

Let’s have a chat today to discover how I can help you make progress and achieve success in life.

Book a free 50-minute consultation today and we can start discussing your needs.



Stop Standing Still

Sparking awareness. Facilitating development. Achieving growth.

Sydney, Australia
0402 075 511

Quick link: Building Confidence at Work

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