At this very moment someone could be watching me and someone else could be watching you. I’m not talking about big brother sky spying but am referring to the observation of one person by another completing a task or reacting to a situation.  How that task or situation is handled, and what is observed, will impact an individual’s point of view and level of brand trust.

Let me share an example: a friend of mine is a wedding photographer and recently received some surprising feedback from the happy couple about a moment at their reception.  The groom noticed that a waiter had bumped into the photographer during the dinner service.  The couple appreciated the professionalism shown by my friend not making a scene, simply maneuvering herself around the situation and carrying on with the task at hand.

This feedback highlighted to me the importance of approaching each day/task/situation you encounter with authenticity, patience and humility – because people pay attention. People notice the little things.  How you interact with others. The way you show up on social media.  They notice how you handle times of pressure and how you bounce back from adversity. People pay attention, and if they like what they see your level of trust and engagement with them will increase.

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